Monday, September 6, 2010


The peaches are coming in a day ( September 7th, 2010 ) earlier than expected.  They will arrive at 2:15 on Tuesday, at the E-wing doors across from the track. We will need all athletes to meet me at 2:15 at this area.  They are to  arrange for transportation with their parents to pick up the peaches and transport them home for deliver that day. Please get these delivered as quickly as possible.  DO NOT leave them in the garage for a week. 

Please let your customers know that they are freshly picked and will continue ripening each day. They will feel a bit hard when they get them, but they ripen quickly.    I tried a sample yesterday, and they are amazingly delicious.

If any athletes need to collect and or turn in money, they will need to collect it and resubmit their envelope to me the following day so that our funds can be deposited immediately.   Athletes are to return their order forms after delivery to Coach Keith.  Do Not throw the envelopes and order forms away.  We need these for our records.

Thank you - Coach Keith

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