Monday, September 26, 2011

Mead Stampede 9-30-11

Race Report by Samantha Koski, Silver Creek Freshman.
On September 30, 2011, my cross country team ran the Mead Stampede meet. Well at least most of my team did (no senior girls came). In my opinion, this was a very flat and dusty course. When you first start the race, you are on a soccer field, which is nice to run on. Sadly, you only run on the soft, green grass for at most twenty seconds, if even. Right after the soccer field, there is a harsh transition to a gravel/dirt path. As expected, a big dust cloud forms from all of the runners stomping to get their place in the race. This dust cloud obviously causes a lot of coughing and struggle to breath, but not to worry, because this is only for a short amount of time as well. As the race goes on, the runners spread out, which allows more room to swing your arms, and to go full speed around corners. Throughout the race, I was proud of myself because I could always see the lead runner, since their weren't many obstacles to block your view. Well, at least I was proud till I realized I could always see the last runner as well. The course consisted of a straight away until you got onto the loop of the course. You would do two of these loops around the softball and baseball fields, and by the corn field, then you would head back on the straight away back to the green, lush soccer field. In my opinion, this was a very fun race, and it didn't seem agonizingly long, which is nice. What I also like about this course is that it is very open, so you can always hear and see supporters. At the end of the race you have the choice to treat yourself to a Jamba Juice. All in all, this was a great meet, even if I didn't get my best time.

The Silver Creek runners competed in the Mead Stampede XC meet on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 at Mead High School.
The course was flat and fast with 95% dirt and grass and spectator friendly.
The tentative schedule for the day is as follows:
3:00 Boys Middle School (2-mile race)
3:30 Girls Middle School (2-mile race)
4:00 Girls JV
4:30 Boys JV
5:00 Boys Varsity Run 7, score 5
5:30 Girls Varsity Run 7, Score 5
6:15 Awards

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